13 December: Open Data Festival in Turku
A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Location Intelligence
18.12.2024Location Innovation Discovery Day: High-Tech Location Test Environments in Espoo
Time: Thursday 23 January 2025, at 9:00–16:00
Place: Espoo, Otaniemi
Registration: https://link.webropol.com/s/LIHdiscoveryday2025
Would you like to see in practice how FGI and Aalto University's state-of-the-art test environments can contribute to the development of your business?
FGI as a leading geospatial research institute and Aalto University as a pioneer in technology development offer state-of-the-art test environments that companies can use in projects in areas such as built environment, transport, and environmental development. You will also have the opportunity to explore the potential of the supercomputer LUMI.
We are delighted to invite you to a unique event where you can learn, network and share ideas live. The event is aimed at executives and technology solution managers from small and medium-sized enterprises, for whom Location Innovation Hub will offer more than 30 other test environments free of charge until the end of 2025.
The number of participants is limited (max. 15) and the deadline for registration is 16 January, so register now!
We offer coffee and lunch to participants. The event is organised by the Location Innovation Hub.
Morning coffee and welcome (09:00 - 09:30)
- Arrival at the joint premises of the Location Innovation Hub and FGI
- Welcome, programme for the day. Director Jarkko Koskinen and researcher Kirsi Karila, FGI.
Test environments 1: Visualisation services and drone test environment (09:30 - 11:45)
- Live demo: FGI Drone test environment, professor Eija Honkavaara
- Live demo: Test environment for Navi indoor positioning, researcher Tuomo Malkamäki
- Introduction: FGI Visualisation environment, researcher Pyry Kettunen
Lunch and networking (11:45 - 12:45)
- Lunch at Mau-kas restaurant in Otaniemi
- Opportunity to network with other leaders and experts.
- Moving to Aalto University premises at 12:45 pm
Test environments 2: MeMo (13:00 - 14:30)
- Live demo: Aalto 3D Studio and visualisation applications, Arttu Julin, Aalto University
- Live demo: 3D sensing and data based examples, Matti Kurkela, Aalto University
Test environments 3: LUMI supercomputer (14:30 - 15:30)
- Coffee
- Live demo: LUMI Supercomputer for SME’s, Application specialist Jyrki Savolainen, CSC
Closing remarks and summary (15:30 - 16:00)
- Summary of the main findings of the day.
- Possibility to book a consultation time for the Location Innovation Hub to deploy test environments
Register now at: https://link.webropol.com/s/LIHdiscoveryday2025. The deadline for registration is 16 January.