The Location Innovation Hub offers more than 30 different physical and virtual test environments. These test environments are available to our clients free of charge, in some specific cases for a small fee.
Our test environments provide a fast and efficient way to test new technologies or to see how a business idea works in a particular environment:
- Develop and test your AI solutions with High-Performance Computing.
- Manage, publish, and share location data with free GIS platforms and API software.
- Create touch-responsive visualisations and conduct user testing of 2D/3D data using our physical environments.
- Use virtual data visualisation environments and dashboards to visualise and publish data.
- Use forest point clouds, field data and smart farming technologies, and data.
- Test different indoor and outdoor positioning technologies.
- Test drones of different sizes, payloads, and purposes in urban or forest environments.
Key to fast, safe and innovative digital product development
Test environments can be used to safely simulate different situations and ensure that a product works properly and meets, for example, regulatory requirements.
Test environments are the key to fast, safe and innovative digital product development - contact us if you have needs we can meet!

Smart Farming
Test and develop smart farming technologies.
Responsible organization(s):
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Jokioinen, South-Western Finland
Description of the environment:
- Field area of 80 ha of experimental fields with smart farming equipment: ISOBUS systems, satellite tracking devices, weather stations, soilscouts
- Technological development facilities, i.e. building for devices assembly and tuning.
- Data collection of precision farming operations and the environment.
Purpose of use:
Testing machinery, devices, and software in a real agricultural environment, i.e. precision farming fields.
Access/user rights:
Physical access: By application.
Remote access: By application.
Access protocol will be launched in 2024. Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
Use by fee, pricing per extent of use.
Services only under the guidance of Luke’s personnel.
- Cultivation: No GMO plants allowed, restrictions for some plant protection agents.
- DNSH rules.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Jamk University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Bioeconomy & POKE Vocational College
Bioeconomy Campus, Tuumalantie 17, Saarijärvi, Central Finland
Description of the environment:
- Fields 100 ha
- Forests 700 ha
- Waters
- Plant production
- Animal husbandry
- Data-based Smart Farming
- Latest technologies
- Research & Practice
Purpose of use:
- Heavily instrumented test farm available for companies for testing, demonstration and validation of smart farming and bioeconomy technologies and services
- Focus set on the near-to-market level and on the adoption phase of innovations
- Wireless data communication between Farm Management Information System (FMIS) and various sources and uses of data (e.g. tractors, forest machines, implements, sensors, IoT devices etc.
- Cybersecurity in AgriTech and Food industry
- Promotion and Data Spaces and new data-based business models
- Promoting Open & Fair Data Economy
- Farm digital twin under construction for simulation purposes
Access/user rights:
To be agreed on a case-by-case.
Please contact the Location Innovation Hub.
To be agreed on a case-by-case.
More information:

Innovative Forestry
Use our forest point clouds and field data.
Responsible organization(s):
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI), Department of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry, University of Eastern Finland
Evo and Hyytiälä, Finland
Description of the environment:
The SCAN FOREST will include approximately 10,000 individual trees measured with laser scanning at an unprecedented level of detail.
Purpose of use:
Comparison of different drone and earth observation methods for measuring tree structure. Test track for testing localization / positioning methods.
Access/user rights:
Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
Open data available.
For comparison studies and analyses carried out by FGI/UEF fees may apply.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI), Department of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
Hyytiälä Forest Research Station, Juupajoki, Finland
Description of the environment:
Permanent laser scanning station (LiPhe) that monitors surrounding boreal forest 30 meters above ground level. The system has been collecting dense point clouds from the forest with one-hour frequency since April 2020.
Purpose of use:
Monitoring of structural dynamics in boreal forest.
Goals: understanding tree growth timing and strategies, satellite data cal/val, forest phenology monitoring, linking seasonal structural changes in the forest with environmental parameters, development of massive point cloud processing techniques.
Users: Primarily other researchers, especially from technical sciences, forestry, and forest ecology
Access/user rights:
Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
Access to not previously published LiPhe data access only possible via collaboration. Published LiPhe data will be open and available in open repositories.
More information: Mapping and Change Analysis Applications with Multiple Scale Remote Sensing

High-Performance Computing & AI
Develop and test your artificial intelligence solutions.
Responsible organization(s):
CSC IT Center for Science
Espoo / Kajaani
Description of the environment:
LUMI is one of the world's fastest supercomputers and can be used to scale up processing and analysis of geospatial and other data. CSC and partners provide a selection of pre-installed software of different fields, but users may also install their own software. LUMI has also an object storage where big amounts of data can be stored and shared with collaborators.
Purpose of use:
LUMI is particularly useful for Deep Learning purposes, because it has a very powerful GPU partition. Also, big data processing and high throughput computing (small tasks but many of them) are very suitable tasks for the supercomputer CPU partition.
Access/user rights:
LUMI is funded by the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) and LUMI consortium of ten European countries, which CSC coordinates.
Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support. Contact us.
LUMI offers several computing partitions and capacities. All the capacities are accounted in three types of units, GPU (graphics processing unit) hours, CPU hours (central processing units), and storage hours. All projects on LUMI are applied and resourced as a combination of these three units. CSC also provides support for using LUMI.
Please see different collaboration models and pricing list at, including free of charge testing.
More information:
For more information, visit CSC High Performance Computing for Companies website and LUMI Supercomputer Website.
Responsible organization(s):
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute
Description of the environment:
We gathered more than 15 Artificial Intelligence (AI) reference solutions related to location data within our partner network. Solutions vary between deep learning methods of feature recognition and mosaic extraction from satellite images.
Purpose of use:
Depending on the solution, this test environment includes source codes, training data sets, documentations, or scientific publications. Also, technical consultation is possible with our AI specialists.
Access/user rights:
In most cases, solutions and consultation are open to use for LIH clients. Our goal is to further increase openness and availability of the solutions as.
Some solutions, especially their training data sets might not be open for everyone. This is because of security risks or license challenges. Feel free to ask more
More information:
See our website or contact us directly Email:

Visualisation Labs
Create touch-responsive visualisations and conduct user testing of 2D/3D data using our physical environments.
Responsible organization(s):
Aalto University, the Research Institute of Measuring and Modeling for the Built Environment (MeMo)
Puumiehenkuja 5A, Espoo
Description of the environment:
The Aalto 3D Studio is a physical space focused on advancing the utilization and visualization of real-world 3D data. The 3D Studio and its assets contain data, state-of-the-art equipment, and research personnel that are available for cooperation partners of Aalto University.
Purpose of use:
The 3D Studio acts as a scientific platform aimed for academic research and education, as well as a platform for businesses and organizations willing to cooperate with Aalto University.
Access/user rights:
Access to the 3D Studio can be provided in collaboration with Aalto MeMo staff. Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
The use of 3D Studio is limited to active cooperation partners of Aalto University and for non-commercial use.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI), Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography
Vuorimiehentie 5, Espoo
Description of the environment:
New FGI Geovisualisation laboratory in the Finnish technological hub in Otaniemi for setting up versatile visualization configurations for effectively conveying geographic information to users.
The laboratory contains constellations multi-touch displays with five 75” multi-touch and one 55” high-sensitivity displays, profile-calibrated wide gamut display, an eye-tracking camera and software, display calibration device as well as adjustable lighting. The laboratory is being extended towards virtual reality set-ups.
Purpose of use:
Research and development of geovisualisation techniques and concepts
Access/user rights:
In co-operation with FGI researchers. Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
Based on agreement.
More information:
Available later.

Drone and Autonomous Vehicle Test Sites
Test drones of different sizes, payloads and purposes in urban, rural, agricultural or forest environments. Test autonomous vehicles in a closed environment.
Responsible organization(s):
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI), Department of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
Virtual flight restriction areas around Espoo Otaniemi and Helsinki Jätkäsaari
Description of the environment:
Temporal danger areas (tempo-D) “Espoo-Otaniemi EFD816” and “Helsinki-Jätkäsaari EFD817”. Temporal danger area for drone flights, needs to be activated via NOTAM beforehand. Both tempo-Ds have two different sub-areas that can be activated separately. Maximum flying height is 150 m AGL (500 ft MSL). Area of Espoo-Otaniemi is ~ 4.2 x 3.6 km, Helsinki-Jätkäsaari ~ 10 x 6 km
Purpose of use:
These tempo-Ds are meant for temporal drone operations, such as different drone imaging or cargo delivery etc. demonstrations around Espoo-Otaniemi or Helsinki-Jätkäsaari. MML FGI created these tempo-Ds so that it would be easier and faster for different organizations to perform drone test flights in urban areas. Usage of the tempo-Ds is limited to FGI and their partners. Professional drone operators with permissions to fly over densely populated areas can use these tempo-Ds, but they must contact FGI.
Access/user rights:
Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
Tempo-D user must have aviation radio with permission to communicate with it, and follow drone-frequency 133.325 MHz. Users also need to follow FinnHEMS helicopters via ADS-B in system, and if they notice FinnHEMS emergency flights they must terminate their drown operation immediately.
Direct costs resulting from extra work will possibly be invoiced.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI), Department of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
Vihti, Finland EFD814
Description of the environment:
A Tempo-D airspace reservation (EFD814) and collaborator network for agricultural test fields.
Purpose of use:
A 14.5 km² test area for developing and testing agricultural drone and satellite remote sensing applications.
Access/user rights:
Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
Direct costs resulting from extra work will possibly be invoiced.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI), Department of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
Evo, Finland
Description of the environment:
A Tempo-D airspace reservation (EFD818) and collaborator network for forestry applications.
Purpose of use:
A 40 km² test area for developing and testing forestry drone and satellite remote sensing applications.
Access/user rights:
Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
Direct costs resulting from extra work will possibly be invoiced.
Responsible organization(s):
Arctic Drone Labs / Oulu University of Applied Sciences
Oulu, Finland
Description of the environment:
The size of the test area is 52.5 km x 45.5 km, and it consists of both urban and rural areas. A variety of services is offered.
Purpose of use:
The test area was opened to help drone business to succeed. New business/tech concepts, prototypes etc. can be tested safely, quickly, and more easily than outside of the range.
Access/user rights:
Access to the test area and its services based upon request through LIH Regional Office in Oulu. Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
Fees may apply based on the service requested.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
City of Oulu, Ni-Ro Oy
Oulu (Kuusamontie 3250)
Description of the environment:
Research and training center for BIM utilised earthwork processes, autonomous vehicles and heavy trucks with 5G capability located in OuluZone Motor Sports Centre. The area is owned by the City of Oulu and operated by Ni-Ro Oy.
Purpose of use:
The area has been used to develop and test different types of vehicles (cars, machinery, drones) and autonomous driving. The area is also used to develop machinery automation in road construction, including infra BIM (building information modelling). There are 7 accurate reference points in the area, e.g. for calibration of positioning systems. The area is also used for earthworks training purposes in various ways.
Access/user rights:
Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
In preparation, ready by the end of 2023.
OuluZone’s testing opportunities are part of Oulu Innovation Alliance (OIA)
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI), Department of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
Sjökullantie 419, 02540 Kirkkonummi
60.24207N, 24.38371E
Description of the environment:
The test area consists of a UAS permissive area, a Tempo-D airspace reservation (EFD813), and a permanent remote sensing radiometric and geometric calibration field.
Purpose of use:
The 3 km² UAS test area allows safe in-flight testing of experimental and heavy drone systems at altitudes up to 300 m AGL and in BVLOS and swarm flights. The calibration field allows drones, manned airplanes, and high-resolution satellites to perform vicarious calibration and validation of radiometric and geometric performance of their remote sensing systems.
Access/user rights:
Usage of the UAS permissive area is strictly limited to FGI and their partners. Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
Direct costs resulting from extra work will possibly be invoiced.
More information:

Built Environment & Smart Cities
Test new services and technologies in a real urban environment or use our data sets to develop new smart city innovations.
Responsible organization(s):
Location Innovation Hub
Description of the environment:
The location Europe platform provides harmonised and integrated high-value data sets from the countries of the European Core Data Provider network. Currently, the platform includes 2D/3D buildings, roads, DSM, DTM and climate data sets.
Purpose of use:
Users can test or create their location-based services using harmonised data from multiple countries with a single query.
Access/user rights:
Anyone can explore data sets but querying data needs an API key. You can request the API key from the platform as a LIH client. For more information, visit the platform's website.
Free to use for Location Innovation Hub's clients. Learn how to become a client.
More data themes and countries will be added later. If you are working in a data producer organisation (e.g. NMCA), you can join our European Core Data Provider network.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Forum Virium Helsinki & City of Helsinki, Economic Development
Jätkäsaari, Helsinki
Description of the environment:
The focus of the Mobility Lab Helsinki Jätkäsaari testsite is on novel smart mobility solutions for smoother and safer traffic or tackling emissions and air quality issues. In other words, solutions that are in line with the city’s needs and objectives for transport and mobility development. The primary focus is on digital solutions and services. Jätkäsaari district is a rapidly growing district with a busy passenger harbour, creating traffic challenges to address. The focused area also provides synergies between different projects and e.g. enables new data from installed sensors to be used by other projects.
Purpose of use:
The objective of the Mobility Lab is to support the development and testing of new innovations to enable new business opportunities and growth while supporting the development of smooth, safe and sustainable mobility.
Access/user rights:
The decision to collaborate on a specific idea always depends on the case and how the city can support it. We generally want to elaborate the plans together with you in order to build a promising test case. Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
The expectations, processes, obligations and contractual aspects vary based on the type of test, pilot or project as well as the roles of the city. As a general guideline, the objective and the general results and lessons learned should be made public in the experiments supported by the Lab. We also encourage as much data and APIs to be opened for third party developers to use as possible.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Aalto University, the Research Institute of Measuring and Modeling for the Built Environment (MeMo)
Virtual open datasets
Description of the environment:
Aalto MeMo offers 3D point cloud datasets from selected cultural heritage sites, roadside environments, and built environment in Finland. Datasets contain real-world indoor and outdoor environments that are photorealistically modeled in high-fidelity using state-of-the-art techniques.
Purpose of use:
Aalto 3D Point Cloud Datasets are available to be explored, exploited, and utilized by all interested Aalto cooperation partners. Some limitations may apply.
Access/user rights:
Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
Datasets are available upon request from Aalto MeMo with possible restrictions.
Responsible organization(s):
Forum Virium, Oulu Innovation Alliance
Helsinki, Oulu
Description of the environment:
- Our partners enable and support tests in urban environments & share their previous experiences.
- Open map data available as a basis, additional mobility datasets and digital twins.
Purpose of use:
- For testing new services and technologies in a real urban environment.
- For agile piloting: support with installations, rules, and regulations.
Access/user rights:
Logistics & Navigation
Test different indoor and outdoor positioning technologies and logistics solutions.
Responsible organization(s):
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI)
FGI Otaniemi premises, Espoo, Finland
Description of the environment:
FGI has developed a modular, scalable and easily extendable system to test indoor positioning software and hardware innovations.
The goal of the system is to facilitate testing, development and benchmarking of indoor positioning solutions at all levels:
- Hardware
- Software & algorithms
- Applications & UI
The system currently includes UWB and Bluetooth AOA functionality and allows easy addition of other solutions and sensors, many of which FGI can provide.
The system is designed for semi-permanent installation in Otaniemi premises, but a subset can be made portable.
Purpose of use:
The system can be tested by suppliers of indoor positioning technologies and applications, mainly at FGI's Otaniemi campus. This enables, e.g.testing of application ideas for a start-up without own infrastructure.
Access/user rights:
FGI provides support, including testing and development support to Location Innovation Hub customers.
To get access to the system, please fill in the Location Innovation Hub contact form and tell us more about your requirements. We will contact you and agree on testing.
Access to Otaniemi premises requires at least visitor permissions.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
HERE Technologies
Description of the environment:
Worldwide accurate positioning SaaS Service using a combination of satellite, sensor, cellular and Wi-Fi signals.
HERE Network Positioning API v2 - Developer Guide (Freemium Plan Exist)
HERE HD GNSS and A-GNSS Positioning - Developer Guide (No Freemium Plan, Contact LIH for free trials / pricing).
SDKs and tools and for Android (Navigate Edition).
Purpose of use:
HERE Positioning is a suite of cloud-based services and SDKs to accurately locate devices and assets through the use of satellite (Global Navigation Satellite System, known as GNSS), cellular and Wi-Fi signals in different environments – outdoors under open sky conditions, urban environments where satellite signals may be compromised, as well as indoors. HERE Positioning has three components: HD GNSS Positioning, A GNSS Positioning and Network Positioning. They work together or independently to provide a comprehensive solution for highly accurate positioning.
Access/user rights:
Limited Plan includes 5000 location services API requests a month. Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
More information
Contact Location Innovation Hub or visit
Responsible organization(s):
NFleet Oy
Virtual / Jyväskylä, Finland
Description of the environment:
For a distance matrix you input all locations in coordinates and in return you will get the full matrix with travelling times between all locations. For a route path you input the path locations in coordinates and in return you will get the travelling times, distances and detailed coordinates for illustrating the path on a map.
Purpose of use:
Typical application for the services is route planning. Distance (time) matrix is the starting point for optimizing route planning and the resulting route details are provided by the path service.
Access/user rights:
Free use is available for LIH projects, including a reasonable amount of support. Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
NFleet Routes API services are available in Microsoft Azure Marketplace. For testing choose a plan with 1 month free trial (you can cancel at any time). If you want to continue the free use or need more capacity please contact us.
NFleet distance matrix calculation was originally designed for our own internal transportation planning optimization needs and has been in operational use 24/7 since 2014 and with a major upgrade in 2018. However, we have noticed that commercially available services are quite few and with relatively limited capacities and high price. We therefore wanted to make our geographical services publicly available.
- Geographical coverage: OpenStreetMap map data in Northern and Western Europe, more countries per request (see the slide for details)
- Vehicle profiles: pedestrian – bicycle – tractor – car - van – truck
- Data format: JSON and binary
- Max matrix size: 5000 locations (5000 x 5000 matrix)
- Matrix calculation time: max few seconds
- Max path size: 500 locations
- Path computing time: max few seconds
More information:
- Routes API in Azure Marketplace: Azure Marketplace
- NFleet website: NFleet
- Technical documentation: NFleet Technical Documentation
- Contact:
Responsible organization(s):
Septentrio Finland Oy
Espoo, Finland
Description of the environment:
Fixed installed GNSS antennas with reference receivers and reference receivers for field testing.
Purpose of use:
Reference receiver for RTK solutions. Reference receiver for field testing of customers' equipment.
Access/user rights:
Contact the Location Innovation Hub. Access and usage are defined case by case and in collaboration with Septentrio Finland Oy.
Septentrio is given access to GNSS and INS data for internal use.

Mobility Data & Platforms
Use our mobility data sets and platforms to develop better services.
Responsible organization(s):
Description of the environment:
Open web service, everyone may register as a user. Registered users can donate their movement trajectory data for science. In addition, they can share the anonymized versions of the trajectories to the open database.
Purpose of use:
A pilot service of a research project. The purpose is to allow the use of personal level trajectory data, for example, in science and city planning while preserving the privacy of the individuals.
Access/user rights:
Open service, anybody can register as a user.
The terms of use of the service and the open data can be found on the web page. Only trajectories within Finland and in areas where the population density is high enough are accepted.
Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support. Contact us.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Oulu region
Description of the environment:
Activity-homezone data
Activities on grid level for the entire Oulu region
Homezone on a zipcode level (or at the grid level if the data service does not have a grid-zip combination)
Work-home-other-total classification
Time Period: September 2022
Temporal granularity: daily
Activity definition: typical 20 min break
Travel data
Municipality-level ODM
Area: Oulu (+Hailuoto, Ii, Kempele, Liminka, Lumijoki, Muhos, Pudasjärvi, Siikajoki, Tyrnävä, and Utajärvi)
Time Period: September 2022
Temporal granularity: hourly level
Definition of distance: dynamic definition
Purpose of use:
Analysis of crowd movements, urban planning, public transport planning etc.
Access/user rights:
Contact the Location Innovation Hub.
The customer can use the data for research purposes related to the Location Innovation Hub. The data cannot be used for commercial purposes, or given or passed on to anyone without Telia’s written permission.
More information: finnish)
Responsible organization(s):
Forum Virium Helsinki
Description of the environment:
Mobility Data Catalog provides access to diverse mobility-related data available in the Helsinki region. This data enables development of better services in diverse use cases. The catalog acts as an intermediary service for several data providers, both public and private. Also, it includes data produced by many pilots and experiments conducted by Forum Virium Helsinki and the City of Helsinki.
Purpose of use:
The Mobility data catalog aims to bring together the potential users and providers of geospatial data related to urban mobility. By listing their data offering to the catalog, data providers can showcase their datasets for potential users.
Access/user rights:
Open datasets in the data catalogue can be browsed freely. For restricted data sets, the data descriptions are available. To submit a dataset for consideration and publication as part of the Mobility Data Catalog, please contact Mobility Lab Helsinki at:
Data and descriptions are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind regarding the quality or availability.
More information:

Location Data Analysis & Visualisation Environments
Manage, publish, and share location data with free GIS platforms and API software.
Responsible organization(s):
Description of the environment:
A Web GIS framework that can be used to create, manage, and share maps, dashboards, and stories. These can be created by mixing geospatial contents from servers compliant to OGC standards (WFS, CSW, WMS, WMTS, Google Maps, OSM). Based on OpenLayers, Leaflet, and ReactJS.
Purpose of use:
For those who wish to manage maps and dashboards while helping to convey visually the key highlights of geospatial context. The service is used to find, view, and query published geospatial data and to integrate multiple sources into a single map.
Access/user rights:
Licensed under the Simplified BSD license. More information at
MapStore is Free and Open source software. Registration is not required. Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support. Contact us.
The environment is developed by GeoSolutions.More information:
Demo available at
Instructions for a quick start:
Responsible organization(s):
Description of the environment:
An open-source platform for visualizing and analyzing geospatial data. Can be run both locally and on-browser. Kepler utilizes WebGL to render datasets, making it a powerful tool even for large-scale datasets. Built on top of Mapbox GL and
Purpose of use:
For the creation and publication of visually striking interactive maps. Can be especially useful in situations where the installation of any desktop software is to be avoided, and the service allows quick exploration, visualization, and demonstration of data.
Access/user rights: is under the MIT License. It is an open-source, register-free service that runs on a web browser but can be built, customized, and run locally. Can be used by anyone for free.
Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support. Contact us
More information about Kepler’s contributors and development can be found on GitHub.More information:
More about Kepler on its website at Kepler’s demo website available at
Responsible organization(s):
Description of the environment:
An open-source geospatial content management system and a platform for geospatial data management and publication. The interface is easy to use and allows anyone to share data and create interactive maps. The service includes data management tools for creating and editing data.
Purpose of use:
For developing geospatial information systems (GIS), deploying Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), and creating interactive maps.
Access/user rights:
GNU General Public License. Register as a user for GeoNode Live Demo at Please keep in mind that the uploaded data on the demo service will be deleted once a week as the demo is restored to a clean state, but any created accounts will be maintained.
Instructions for configuration, installation, etc. at The environment is designed by GeoSolutions and GeoNode contributors (GitHub).
Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support. Contact us.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Description of the environment:
A distributed and extensible open-source geoportal built with Java and Javascript. The service uses standard open-source components such as OpenLayers, GeoTools and GeoServer
Purpose of use:
For building multipurpose web maps by utilizing spatial data. Compliant to the EU directive INSPIRE and OGC standards, for example. For displaying and analyzing geospatial data
Access/user rights:
Source code is released with dual license: MIT and EUPL v.1.1. More information about the licenses can be found National Land Survey of Finland.
Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support. Contact us.
More information:
Technical instructions for using, configuring and developing the software at
Responsible organization(s):
Description of the environment:
An open-source web software developed to be compatible with QGIS and QGIS server. There is a QGIS plugin available that helps publish maps with the data description and styles originally defined in QGIS. The service also has its own control panel that allows the user to define the rights to view published maps, layers, etc., and define the layout of the map service.
Purpose of use:
Essentially for creating web map applications with QGIS Desktop. Geospatial data created and edited in QGIS can be published as a map application online (on Lizmap Hosting or own server) while maintaining the data description styles defined in QGIS. Alternatively, the map service lets the user configure the layout by using its own control panel.
Access/user rights:
Mozilla Public License 2.0. Open source software and free to use. Registration is not required.
Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support for both using the plugin and the service. Contact us. The environment is designed by 3Liz. Can be installed on the user's own server, but setting up and maintaining a server can be time-consuming and complicated. There is a Lizmap QGIS plugin that helps the user with configurations. Using Lizmap Hosting requires a subscription plan, and more information about the available plans can be found at
For the best user experience, it is recommended to use the same version between QGIS Desktop and QGIS Server. Installing the Lizmap QGIS plugin is recommended. (More information about requirements before installing).
More information:
More information available at Online demos available at
Responsible organization(s):
Description of the environment:
Open-source TypeScript library for publishing maps on a website that is based on GPU-accelerated vector tile rendering. The service is fully compatible with Mapbox GL JS v1 which allows the user to migrate existing Mapbox v1 solutions to MapLibre. Maplibre Native can be also used for Android and iOS allowing displaying maps inside of your mobile applications, desktop application, or embedded devices.
Purpose of use:
For publishing maps on a website while allowing customization of map styles which complies with the MapLibre Style Spec (
Access/user rights:
Information about licensing can be found at GitHub (
Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support for both using the plugin and the service. Contact us. The environment is provided by The MapLibre Organization (
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Description of the environment:
Maputnik is an online open source visual editor for the Mapbox Style Specification. Written in ES6 and uses React and Mapbox GL JS.
Purpose of use:
For those who wish to use an easily accessible online visual editor for designing a map style.
Access/user rights:
Licensed Under MIT and is Copyright © Lukas Martinelli and contributors. More about licensing at GitHub (
Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support for both using the plugin and the service. Contact us. More about the contributors can be found on the GitHub page of Maputnik.
Noteworthy that the project is not affiliated with Mapbox or Mapbox Studio and is an independent style editor for the open source technology in the Mapbox GL ecosystem.
More information:
More information available on Maputnik’s GitHub page at
Responsible organization(s):
FGI, Spatineo
Description of the environment:
OGC APIs are designed to make it easy for anyone to provide and use geospatial data on the web, and to integrate this data with any other type of information.
Purpose of use:
OGC APIs can be used to query, visualise and manipulate data over interfaces in most of the desktop GIS software.
Access/user rights:
Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support for OGC APIs. Contact us. OGC standards are open standards.
Restrictions may apply to the data queried through OGC APIs. OGC standards on their own are open standards.
More information:
More information at
Responsible organization(s):
FGI, Gispo
Description of the environment:
PostGIS extends the capabilities of the PostgreSQL relational database by adding support for storing, indexing, and querying geospatial data. PostGIS follows the Simple Features for SQL specification from the OGC.
Purpose of use:
PostGIS allows users to store spatial data, do spatial indexing, spatial functions, geometry processing, offers raster data support as well as geocoding and reverse geocoding functions.
Access/user rights:
Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support for PostGIS. Contact us. PostGIS operates under General Public License and thus guarantees end users the four freedoms to run, study, share, and modify the software.
Requires PostgreSQL. PostGIS operates under General Public License.
More information:
More information at
Responsible organization(s):
FGI, Gispo
Description of the environment:
A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System with which you can create, edit, visualise, analyse and publish geospatial information on Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD and mobile devices.
Purpose of use:
The service is especially useful for those who have data that can be linked to a geographical co-ordinates. QGIS is a tool that can be used to create new geospatial data, visualise existing data, combine various data sources, as well as run analysis on the data. QGIS also offers a variety of plug-ins for various of use cases.
Access/user rights:
Location Innovation Hub offers consultation and support for both using the plugin and the service. Contact us. QGIS on its own is a free to use software.
QGIS is an open-source geographic information system software, which means that it can be freely used, modified, and distributed by individuals and organizations.
More information:
More information at
Responsible organization(s):
Description of the environment:
A web-GIS platform for publishing maps, data, and service. It is also a QGIS plugin that helps upload on the QGIS Cloud service, which is a personal Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) on the internet. It allows the user to publish QGIS projects as maps and data.
Purpose of use:
The service is especially useful for those who wish to publish their QGIS projects online while keeping all the styling options and configurations made in QGIS Desktop. QGIS Cloud is a platform that allows publishing maps, and practically all configuration work can be managed with QGIS. The QGIS Cloud plugin then lets the user upload local data to the QGIS Cloud database and publish web maps and OGC compliant services.
Access/user rights:
Gispo offers consultation and support for both using the plugin and the service. The service is provided by the company Sourcepole. For testing and non-commercial activities, you may use QGIS Cloud Free. However, for commercial or government applications, a QGIS Cloud Pro subscription is needed.
QGIS Cloud Free allows publishing freely accessible maps on the internet. Limiting the access of the maps requires a QGIS Cloud Pro subscription.
More information:
Responsible organization(s):
Description of the environment:
A QGIS plugin that can generate a web map from a QGIS project as openLayers, Leaflet, or Mapbox GL JS. It replicates different aspects of the projects such as layers and styles. No server-side software is required, and it is possible to set the web map to have popups, clusters, and different kinds of properties and widgets such as a measuring tool and address search. The plugin takes all of the layers of the map from QGIS desktop and creates all the supporting files to build a web map.
Purpose of use:
A plugin for QGIS desktop that lets you publish interactive maps for the web that include layers and their styling. It’s especially for those who wish to create maps with QGIS desktop and want to effortlessly generate a web map of them.
Access/user rights:
GNU General Public License v2.0. More information at GitHub. An open-source plugin for QGIS Desktop and its source code can be viewed and edited by anyone. Requires QGIS desktop installation and then installing the plugin.
Gispo offers consultation and support for using the plugin. It is fundamentally a merge of qgis-ol3 and qgis2leaf. More about the credits can be found on the GitHub page of QGIS2Web.
More information:
More information on QGIS2Web’s GitHub page.