Welcome to the Location Innovation sessions
Location Innovation Discovery Day: High-Tech Location Test Environments in Espoo
10.12.202413 December: Open Data Festival in Turku
Time: 13 December, at 12-15
Venue: University of Turku, Natura building, 4th floor (Geography), map link
Registration: https://www.lyyti.in/Open_Data_Festival_2284
Location Innovation Hub’s regional partners in Turku welcomes you to this community event dedicated to open sharing of geospatial data!
Why you should participate:
- Guidance on how to use the OpenStreetMap mapping service. Import information from your organisation or other service points into the OpenStreetMap map service - for example, to help local people find their way around using local route guides. You can also learn how to create your own maps for your website!
- Curate and share the University of Turku's geospatial datasets. Learn how to create metadata, check data quality and share data in the Geonode spatial data service.
- Learn more about the business opportunities of location data and about free training and other services from the Location Innovation Hub
- Network and meet our geospatial experts. The table is set with glögi and snacks!
You don't need to have any previous experience to get started, you'll be guided through publishing and mapping your data. All you need is your own laptop and mouse.
The event will introduce you to the OpenStreetMap mapping platform. You can choose which mapping activity you want to take part in. You can participate in the Humanitarian (HOT) Mapathon or add service points of Southwest Finland or your own business to the Open Street Map.
The event will also provide information about the free services offered by the Location Innovation Hub and Folkoot volunteering.
Folkoot comes from the Finnish word talkoot and FOSS4G, which stands for Open Source Geographic Information Software. Folkoot is a concept launched by Gispo Oy to contribute to open data or open source projects. The idea is that if you are using free data sources or free tools, then sometimes you can do a little bit of good and give something back to those communities. Folkoot work can be, for example, correcting data in OpenStreetMap, translating QGIS, answering questions in GIS Exchange, or testing and fixing bug reports.
Open Data Festival is organised by Lounaistieto, Gispo and University of Turku.