The Location Innovation Hub (LIH) is a centre of expertise for location information and technology, offering free coaching for small and medium-sized enterprises and public administrations. We provide support in areas like business development, adopting new technologies, and finding funding opportunities.

The Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) coordinates our work, and our services are delivered by an extensive network of partners with world-class expertise in the use of location data and technology. 

Support for business growth

Location-based business is expected to grow strongly in the coming years. Technology and data will play a key role in developing areas such as sustainable food production, forestry, logistics and a safe and healthy built environment.

Location Innovation Hub helps clients take advantage of precise positioning technologies and the possibilities of location data, using for example artificial intelligence and high-performance computing, all while ensuring cybersecurity standards are met. Our goal is to:

  • boost our clients' competitive and innovative capabilities
  • strengthen networks 
  • support their international growth. 

Accelerating digital transformation in Europe

Location Innovation Hub is part of the EDIH network, a pan-European partnership of over 150 European Digital Innovation Hubs. We work closely with the three other Finnish Digital Innovation Hubs and connect our clients to a wider network of European Innovation Hubs.

The Location Innovation Hub is Europe's only innovation hub focused on location information.

Explore the EDIH network

Learn more about the EDIHs in Finland (in Finnish)

Location Innovation Hub is funded by the European Union together with Business Finland.

Watch the video: Grow your business with free services from the Finnish EDIHs

Contact us

Any questions about LIH? New ideas or problems to solve? Contact the Location Innovation Hub office staff locationinnovationhub(a)

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